![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:14 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
His license to practice, write prescriptions, etc will be suspended or in probate. He has to have people drive him around for a year. Seriously, don't F@$&ING do it. Get another way home or don't drink. It's not worth risking your and other people's lives, the insurance hikes, etc.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:20 |
Tell him to lawyer up, and not to cheap out either. If it's his first offense, he can just expect a huge fine, possibly expunge it from his record. That said, he deserves what coming to him.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:26 |
My brother lives in New Mexico. At his old job 50% (not exaggerating) of his coworkers had gotten DUIs. It's a horrible, horrible thing.
PS: I originally read the post wrong and thought it said you got a DUI. I nearly lost my shit.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:27 |
I read the title and thought it said "Guys I just got a DUI..."
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:31 |
I have no sympathy for the idiocy of dui. I may not understand completly because I dont drink nor have I ever but I have met kids high school kids with dui felonys on thier record who are completly unrepentant and seem to not at all grasp the seriousness and stupidity of it and carry on as if its no big deal. I feel bad for them and the possible conseqeuences of a felony but they do not seem to grasp the death or injury that could result and at the same time think theyddeserve whats coming and possibly more.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:31 |
I know a guy too who got a DUI. His professional license and ability to prescribe is in question. so so so so so stupid and unfortunately, i am not confident he learned his lesson.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:36 |
With eight years as an amb.tech I find these people repulsive, if they want to kill themselves in a stupid fashion they should do it at home and not take innocent lives into their own hands.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:46 |
Had he put an s and a comma in Guy... Hooo boy.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:50 |
I thought the same... *phew*
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:50 |
My Uncle gets them all the time (he's total trash, like drug addict who lives in my grandma's basement at the age of 51 trash) I just shake my head and am waiting for him to be on the news because he killed someone. He's not licensed, hasn't been for years, yet he still gets trashed and tries to drive. Been to jail, still hasn't learned his lesson.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 23:52 |
I swear if someone ever causes an accident with me and they're DUI, I'll beat the living shit out of them. One of my biggest pet peeves
![]() 05/05/2014 at 00:12 |
Yeah, not me.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 01:10 |
I was at a friends engagement party last summer, I don't do party's well, I don't drink and socializing only comes well when someone else initiates a conversation. (Working on that.) I headed back to the house to start setting up the car for the night (I was under the impression at the time that I'd be roughing it a little.) so I did my evening prep (Brush teeth, meds and so on.) and apparently between the time I was in the house and headed back to the car, a bunch of people took off. So far as I know, everyone who left had at least a drink or two in them.
Internally, I was shaking my head at my best friend for letting that happen. I asked her about it the next morning and there was no way they could stop it, most of the people were back-woods alpha male types who weren't going to be told what to do. I would've called the cops, but it wasn't my place to make such decisions.
I take solace with the fact that apparently nobody died, it was a very rural area and very late, so it hopefully didn't put anyone in danger.
All I can say is that that shit wouldn't fly at a party I would host.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 02:28 |
My home county gives drunk high school drivers wreckless driving tickets. Yeah...
![]() 05/05/2014 at 02:29 |
I think if I killed someone or messed them up for life because I decided I could drink and drive, I would probably kill myself. It's a pretty serious offense to me too... but I can't even imagine doing it if I were a doctor. Can doctors really not afford a taxi, Uber or have friends to drive them home? This is why I buy beer and take it home, then crack it open.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 02:56 |
My buddy just got his second DUI, within 6 months of each other too. Right now he's wearing an ankle bracelet that senses if he has any alcohol for three months, then is on house arrest for a month or two after that, and has to take a breathalyzer three times a day. He also loses his license for a year, then can get a provisional license after that for one year before he's able to get his full license back. Total, this is costing him ~$5k in fees, plus another ~$1000 in paying for the classes, equipment fees, etc AND he is forced to have SR22 insurance for at least three years after he gets his license back, which is astronomically expensive.
The up side is that he avoided jail time, but that's about it. We told him to quit drinking after the last one, but he didn't of course. Now he finally has, which is good, but he's still driving everywhere without a license, including driving 45 minutes each day to pick up and drop off his girlfriend who doesn't have her license yet somehow.
What's funny, is that he's generally one of the most responsible of my group of friends, yet he's the only one with a DUI at all, let alone two. Not worth it.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 03:31 |
The fact that he's a doctor scares the crap out of me, if this guy thinks it's OK to drink and drive, how can we trust him as a doctor?
![]() 05/05/2014 at 08:14 |
This will be an unpopular comment most likely.
But I drive well. I drive better than 95% of the people on the road at any given time. Its subjective yes, but I pay attention to everything around me, don't stick around in peoples blind spots (especially trucks), watch for people that may need to get over on a freeway before I get over in the same lane, and even make eye contact if I need to to make intentions known - I signal with every lane change, and understand throttle is the answer to merging. I do not tailgate and follow the 2 second rule if dry, 3 second if wet, and a lot more than that if its icy. If I see a person obviously weaving, or driving like a maniac, I will attempt to distance myself from them so as to not be a factor in an accident.
This all being said - I am a better driver at .1o than 78% of the drivers on the road who have had nothing to drink. That's a low estimate, but I would assume its true. I have less of an ability to make snap reflex reactions to avoid a re-tread in the road, or perhaps to avoid a stopped car with no lights on a freeway at night, and less of an ability to recover from a skid that either of those actions can cause. I get it, those fractions of a second matter. Those fractions also do not come from just being sober, they come from paying attention, and being an attentive driver to begin with. Additionally, most people have no idea what I am talking about when I say "recovering from a skid" (this forum excluded).
Make the road tests harder, so we have less bad drivers on the road. I went to jail over a DUI and blew a .11 - legal limit where I live is a .08. I had no reason to think I was impaired, as I had 5 beers, over the course of 3 hours. I was stopped not because of myself, but because someone else in a silver Infinity blew by me at well over 100mph, and I apparently fit the description on a silver car, and was pulled over (I drive a silver Honda).
First, the police were very professional, and non-aggressive, just doing their job, once they realized I wasn't the guy doing 100+. But I would have to say this - if you are a good driver, and everyone else on the road (or most) is terrible or at the very least non-attentive - why can they either not be held to a higher standard to obtain a license, or I be able to obtain a higher standard license that says "this guy is fine until .12".
Or, make everyone hold a higher standard, or no license. Then I have no beef.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 08:57 |
But I drive well. I drive better than 95% of the people on the road at any given time.
Says 95% of the people on the road at any given time, but ok... *keeps reading*
I am a better driver at .1o than 78% of the drivers on the road who have had nothing to drink. That's a low estimate, but I would assume its true.
That's one hell of an assumption there, and you're using numbers with absolutely zero quantitative backup.
I went to jail over a DUI and blew a .11 - legal limit where I live is a .08. I had no reason to think I was impaired, as I had 5 beers, over the course of 3 hours.
Do you not know how BAC works? As an easy rule of thumb, one should not exceed 1 beer per hour to stay legally sober. And I find it hard to believe that police, who do this thing for a living, had trouble distinguishing a Honda from an Infiniti, but getting confused with a speeder still doesn't absolve you for driving drunk. You don't say where you were coming from, but was it really necessary to leave that instant? Take a 1-2 hour nap and you're probably fine. You might even be able to nap in your car if you need, provided you put the keys outside the vehicle or whatever in accordance with local laws.
why can they either not be held to a higher standard to obtain a license, or I be able to obtain a higher standard license that says "this guy is fine until .12".
So you broke the law, got caught, and you think the law shouldn't apply to you because you're special? Sounds like you're exactly the type of person who should be getting hit with a DUI, but apparently you've learned nothing.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 09:55 |
I learned plenty, trust me, and you missed the entire point. But the soap box looks nice from there.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:04 |
So what was your point, if it wasn't that you think you're too good for DUI laws? Because you're not really making yourself easy to sympathize with that "I'm better than all the other idiot drivers so I should be able to drink myself down to their level" attitude.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:20 |
Again that soap box. Or you can't read maybe to well. It was about the fact that why are the majority of drivers on the road allowed to drive with the level of standards we have in the US, if safety is the concern.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:21 |
deleted, cause it was meant for jarjar furious.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:29 |
sorry this was for you "Feel free to cherry pick the text out of that though."
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:39 |
Oh bless your heart. I'm not the one who "can't read maybe to well."
![]() 05/05/2014 at 10:47 |
If I drank myself down to their level - then yeah - we have a problem. Hence, we have a problem, 24/7. Cannot even tell you the amount of times people have slammed on the brakes in front of me on an on ramp. Can count 1 of those times where I had to actually try to not hit them - that one time was me looking at my dog. Cannot count the number of times I have almost been hit by someone changing lanes - was in the middle of a huge accident caused by this - did my car get hit? No. Because I could tell that the people in the pack that was all bunched up for no reason was not looking at the road - I hit the brakes as his SUV daisy chained into 4 other cars, and the major one that was directly two lanes over from me that I had no out from, I stopped 3 feet from their car. If I was just driving, I would have plowed into them, because I had to start braking immediately and they as I say, would have either hit me in the side, or I would have hit them dead on in the door as the were sliding in front of me out of control.
Good thing I was paying attention.
Got to see a woman spin her SUV out getting onto an onramp - was a dry day, I assume someone had dropped oil or antifreeze out of their car. She made no attempt to correct the skid, and then JUMPED out of the car, phone in hand, and telling the person about how crazy that was... Drive. Your. Car.
Can go on all day about this nonsense, bottom line I was handed a license for passing a written, and parallel parking. That is not the same for other countries.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 11:10 |
Seems that you might be, seeing as the Concorde just flew over your head at mach 2.1
Edit: lots of flyers can be confusing though. Just take it slow jarjar furious.
![]() 05/05/2014 at 12:11 |
I would never look at my dog while driving, therefore I should be allowed to blow a .2 and still drive!
![]() 05/05/2014 at 12:22 |
When he throws up on you? Ok. Then yes, you should be able to, as obviously you are locked on target. Most people are just sitting in a chair, turning a wheel, and moving from place to place. I'm not one of those.
![]() 05/11/2014 at 02:55 |
Dude, I tell this to everyone all the time. Back in my home country there's a tolerance of alcohol of up to 0.5mg/L and the result is that during Friday and Saturday night everyone is driving drunk and they think they are below the limit. Too many horror stories happen and I just wish this was banned. If you are drinking DO NOT DRIVE. If you want to drink, just pay a cab - that's what I do.